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- --------------------------------------
- - FullView v3.04 -
- - -
- - (c) Copyright 1991 Jonathan Potter -
- --------------------------------------
- -- See the bottom of this file for changes --
- FullView is a text viewer that offers fast, smooth-scrolling ANSI
- compatible text displays.
- FullView opens up to the full size of the Workbench screen
- (non-interlaced). Because there is no slider gadget at the side of the screen,
- you are able to view full 80 column text with a standard Workbench
- configuration (many text viewers only show 78 columns across).
- To start FullView from the CLI, simple type
- FullView filename
- or from the Workbench, double-click on a project icon that has FullView
- as its default tool.
- FullView will load text and pictures that have been crunched with
- PowerPacker, by Nico Francois.
- FullView has a built-in help screen that can instantly explain its
- functions, as well as remind you of the keyboard equivalent of many commands.
- However, here are brief instructions on the operation of the commands. They are
- listed with the command name (if this command is accessed from a menu, this is
- also the name of the menu item), and any keyboard equivalents the command may
- have.
- Load... AMIGA-L or l key
- This command allows you to load a new text file using the
- built-in file requester. The file requester is similar to the Commodore ASL
- requester and to the ARP file requester, and thus most users should be familiar
- with its operation.
- Show Pic... AMIGA-H or h key
- This command allows you to display an IFF ILBM picture file. A
- wide variety of formats is supported, including HAM, Overscan, EHB and
- Dynamic-HiRes.
- Save As... AMIGA-V or v key
- This command allows you to save the currently displayed text
- file under a new name. This can also be useful for converting
- PowerPacker-crunched text into plain ASCII text.
- Print all AMIGA-P or p key
- This command will print the current text file to the printer
- (PRT:).
- Print screen AMIGA-C or c key
- This command will print the currently displayed page of text to
- the printer (PRT:).
- Search for... AMIGA-S or s key
- This command allows you to search the current text file for a
- text string. Wildcard characters are not supported. The search takes place from
- the top of the currently displayed page.
- Repeat search AMIGA-R or r key
- This command repeats the last text search, from the current
- position in the file.
- About
- This function displays some information about the program,
- including version number and how to contact the author.
- Help HELP key
- This function displays a brief list of commands and their
- keyboard equivalents.
- Iconify AMIGA-I or i key
- This command closes the FullView screen and opens a small
- window on the Workbench screen. This allows you to keep your text file in
- memory and refer to it at any time, but saves on memory when it is not actually
- being accessed. To return to the text file, click where the iconified window
- tells you to. Clicking the close gadget will remove the text file from memory
- without returning.
- Quit AMIGA-Q or q, x, or ESCape key
- This command will remove FullView from memory.
- Auto scroll SPACE bar or left mouse button
- FullView will auto-scroll text at four different speeds. The
- speed is determined by the vertical position of the mouse; the center of the
- screen is "neutral", and the further away from the center you move the mouse,
- the faster FullView will scroll in that direction.
- To toggle auto-scrolling, either press the SPACE bar or press
- the left mouse button. The mouse pointer will disappear while FullView is
- auto-scrolling, and reappear when scrolling stops (when you either stop it
- manually or the text reaches the top or bottom).
- Line up Cursor up key or /\ gadget
- This function scrolls one line up through the text. If you
- continue to hold down the key or the gadget, this function will repeat after a
- brief interval.
- Line down Cursor down key or \/ gadget
- This function scrolls one line down through the text. If you
- continue to hold down the key or the gadget, this function will repeat after a
- brief interval.
- Page up Shift + Cursor up key, u key or U gadget
- This function moves one full page up through the text.
- Page down Shift + Cursor down key, d key or D gadget
- This function moves one full page down through the text.
- Top of text Control + Cursor up key, t key or T gadget
- This function moves to the beginning of the current text file.
- Bottom of text Control + Cursor down key, b key or B gadget
- This function moves to the end of the current text file.
- Jump to line j key or line gadget
- This function allows you to jump to a specified line number.
- The line gadget is the number that displays the current line being viewed in
- the status bar at the bottom of the screen (xxxxx > yyyyy; it is the xxxxx
- value)
- Jump to percent J key or percent gadget
- This function allows you to jump a specified percentage into
- the file. This percent gadget is the number that displays the current
- percentage of text being viewed in the status bar (xxx%)
- IFF routines
- FullView can show many different IFF ILBM formats, including HAM,
- Overscan, Extra Half Brite, and Dynamic-HiRes. There are four main ways to show
- an IFF picture with FullView.
- a) Run FullView with no arguments, and select an IFF picture
- with
- the file requester.
- b) Once FullView has loaded a text file, select the Show Pic...
- command and select an IFF picture with the file requester.
- c) Run FullView from the CLI with the name of an IFF picture
- and
- use the +p argument.
- The +p tells FullView that it is a picture you want to show,
- not a text file to read. The +p goes on the command line,
- after
- the filename. For example,
- FullView dh0:Picture.iff +p
- d) From the Workbench, specify FullView as the default tool of
- a
- picture file, and add the ToolType :
- This has the same effect as the +p argument from the CLI.
- When a picture is displayed, there are several key presses that do
- different things. You can turn the mouse pointer on or off with the . key. You
- can stop/start colour cycling (if the file has colour cycling information) with
- the TAB key. Pressing the p key will print the picture. If a picture is larger
- than the screen, you can scroll around it using the cursor keys; by themselves
- they move in single steps, in conjunction with Shift they move a page, and in
- conjunction with Control they move to the start (or end). To return from a
- displayed picture, press the left mouse button, or the q or ESCape key.
- TAB size
- The default size of tab characters in FullView is 4 spaces. You may, if
- running from the Workbench, specify the tab size yourself. To do this, add the
- following ToolType to the project icon :
- TABSIZE=size
- size is the number of spaces a tab character is to be equivalent to,
- and may be any number from 1 to 10.
- ANSI codes
- FullView supports the ANSI codes used to change colour and type style.
- Because of the way FullView displays its text, there is a limitation on the
- changing of colour and type style; the colour and style is reset at the start
- of every line. This should not cause any major problems, but it does mean that
- if you wanted a rectangle of colour, you would have to specify the ANSI codes
- for every line, instead of just at the start and end of the rectangle. An
- example of this is the rectangular header of this document file.
- For your information, the applicable ANSI codes are :
- 0 reset 1 bold face
- 3 italic 4 underscore
- 7 inverse video
- 30 foreground pen colour 0 40 background pen colour 0
- 31 foreground pen colour 1 41 background pen colour 1
- 32 foreground pen colour 2 42 background pen colour 2
- 33 foreground pen colour 3 43 background pen colour 3
- ANSI codes are included in text using an escape code. This code looks
- like :
- <CSI>code[;code[;code]]m
- CSI is the Control Sequence Introducer, and it consists of an ESCape
- character and a [ character. For instance, to set the foreground colour to pen
- colour 2, the background colour to pen colour 3, and the style to italics and
- underscore, the control sequence would be :
- [[32;43;3;4m
- And here it is!!!
- You do not need to specify the [[0m reset sequence at the end of every
- line, as colours and styles are reset automatically for each line.
- Word wrapping
- FullView will wrap-around to the next line any words that do not fit on
- the current line. This should normally not cause a problem. It could, however,
- cause trouble if FullView wraps words that are supposed to be a different
- colour and style. As colours and styles are reset for each line, any words that
- were wrapped would not be in the desired colour/style. There is no easy way out
- of this; all you can do is preview your text to make sure that this has not
- occurred. If it has, or you perceive it likely to happen, you can specify the
- escape code for each individual word. For instance,
- [[1mEach [[1mIndividual [[1mWord
- Speaking of wrapping...
- That about wraps it up for this document file. FullView is largely
- self-explanatory, and I hope that I have covered all of the necessary points in
- this text. If you ever have trouble with FullView, please contact me at the
- address below.
- FullView is copyright, but is freely distributable. If you wish to use
- it in a commercial venture, however, you must contact me.
- Jonathan Potter
- P.O. Box 289
- Goodwood, SA 5034
- Australia
- Phone : (08) 2932788
- Fax : (08) 2938941
- FidoNET : 3:680/829
- Internet : jpotter@itd.adelaide.edu.au